As the other comment said, hospitals are only reimbursed for a certain amount of time for each DRG (diagnosis related group). CMS (Medicare) publishes the geometric mean length of stay for every DRG that’s the most days expected for treatment. Any day or partial day that exceeds that number comes out of the hospital’s bottom line.
Scavenger Hunt (1979, Kino Lorber) A solid picture and mediocre audio score for this film by the reviewers at blu ray dot com, but I absolutely love the chase/race for the cash movies. While the transfer is not perfect, before the blu ray release a few years ago, the film was only available either on a pricy VHS or as a YouTube video of a VHS rip. In other words, an excellent film similar does canada goose go on sale black friday to It A Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963, a Criterion release, and a must own!!) with an okay transfer, but if Kino hadn released the film on Blu ray (and maybe DVD too? I not sure) I probably wouldn have watched it.
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